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09. Lena Baumgartner

09. Lena Baumgartner

Title: Greener Grass
Category: General
Dimensions (cm): 153h x 123w x 5d
Medium: Acrylic On Linen


Greener Grass – With the words of John Butler Trio’s Song – Better Than, a song about things coming and going, the grass being greener on the other side. We always want what we can’t have and to borrow the best sentence of the lyrics “If you just look around and you see you got magic”;. This is how I feel when I walk through the Adelaide Park Lands with my children. We are always looking and debating for the best patch of grass and greenery area to sit on and we spend half our time changing out minds. Instead if we took a deep breath, just stop and took it all in, its magic. We have so many beautiful patches, there is no need to keep looking. We are so fortunate to be surrounded by some much greenery in the middle of the city. It makes it feel like there are multiple colours within the green.

Represented By: Art to Art Gallery