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56. Rosina Possingham

56. Rosina Possingham

Title: Ruby Red Saltbush
Category: Emerging Artist
Dimensions (cm): 96h x 67w
Medium: Cyanotype On Canvas


“Possingham starts with a branch, flower, twig. They are scanned with 3D software, then manipulated, cutting them in the computer, playing with light, inverting the image and layering them over each other. She creates impossible scenarios: gum leaves growing from the same stem as a saltbush, haggard turning edges, light that bends in multiple directions. From this space of the intangible, the made, negatives are printed on transparencies. Fabric is painted with cyanotype chemicals, they cure, the transparencies are laid on top and they are taken outside for the sun to do its work.The source of imagery for this work comes from “The Patch”, known officially as Lefevre Park/Nantu Wama, which forms part of the Adelaide Park Lands, surrounded by horse paddocks and tennis courts. In the 1980s it became the focus of a revegetation project. Though native to Australia, many of these species are not native to this area, creating an oasis of interstate and local trees amidst the paddocks. This work encourages us to look more closely at the natural world, and to reconsider how technology can be used to further explore these spaces, and our relationship with them.”