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75. Georgina Willoughby

75. Georgina Willoughby

Title: Woodland Echo (Wirrarninthi) 2023
Category: General
Dimensions (cm): 70h x 85w
Medium: Monotype, Lithography, Watercolour, Redgum Botanical Ink, Graphite On Paper


“This work pays homage to the enduring remnant Mallee Box Woodland that emerges from Park 23, also known as Wirrarnithi (to become wirra) the west side of the Adelaide Park Lands. A piece inspired by the dedication to ongoing restoration and preservation of endemic habitat that occurs throughout The Adelaide Park Lands.To create this work, a combination of lithographic & monoprinting plates were drawn in-situ using fallen natural elements from the park as mark-making tools; a means of capturing a sense of place. The plates then later translated through print onto paper and hand-coloured with homemade ink made from fallen redgum bark.

An endemic/urban landscape dichotomy is presented in dyptich format; a reference to Park 23’s half-park & half cemetery division. The repetition of abstract elemental marks echo from one realm to another.”