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54. Sylvia Piddington

54. Sylvia Piddington

Title: Parklands River Red Gum (Eucalyptus Camaldulensis)
Category: General
Dimensions (cm): 66h x 46w
Medium: Contemporary Bobbin Lace Worked With Hand Dyed Linen Thread


The River Red Gum (Eucalyptus Camaldulensis) is a favourite tree of mine and whenever I travel through the Adelaide Park Lands to the CBD, I admire the trees on both sides of the road. I love to look at the directions of the branches and the patterns in the bark. They drive me to create my visual interpretation in bobbin lace. This is a pattern seen on the bark of one particular tree over 300 metres high in a moment of time. I like to express my ideas in bobbin lace as it is the most creative form of weaving where the threads are not held on a ridged loom but are free to weave in any direction and twist together to make different textures.