Paul Zalkauskas
Title: Gateway to the City
E18007 - 2018 - Finalist - Sally Parnis - Summer Solstice 2017, Drawing the Adelaide Parklands - Movie
Rob Hunt
Title: Over The Hill
Anna Dowling
Title: Beneath and Before
Christopher Meadows
Title: Spheres and Reflections - Winner of: Overall Prize Winner
Jan Cleveringa
Title: The Meeting Point
Roger Buddle
Title: Winter Fungi - Winner of: Judges Commendation
Annemarie Williamson
Title: Adelaide Botanic Garden Gates
Elinor Alexander
Title: My Evening Commute Through Pityarilla, Spring 2017
Frances Griffin
Title: Park Illumination
Daryl Austin
Title: Pakapakanthi, Victoria Park (Between an Dog and a Wolf) - Winner of: Judges Commendation
Mark Judd
Title: The Night Rower
Susan (Sue) Webb
Title: Linear History
Leah Jeffries
Title: Botanic Park Pines
Ross Butler
Title: Running Torrens
Lorraine Damm
Title: Camouflage
Greg Johns
Title: Near The Centre (There Is Music) 2017
Marlene Kingdon
Title: There's an Issue
Laima Guscia
Title: Intertwined
Catherine Aldrete-Morris
Title: The Pupa Stage
Alice Blanch
Title: Fallen Shadow
Sylvia Eakins
Title: Waning Autumn - North Adelaide
Isaac Keighran
Title: Autumn Leaves - Category in: Young Artist (u25)
Andrea Wyatt
Title: The Tree of Life - Parklands Tree
Kathleen Patitsas
Title: Dead Flying Fox, Fruit Bat, Adelaide Park Lands
Neville Cichon
Title: Winter
Joe Helmore
Title: Nantu Wama Park Six
Elena Budden
Title: Paradise Found?
Peter Wallfried
Title: A Night Walk in the Park
Deborah Baldassi
Title: The Lady Does Lunch
Deborah Baldassi
Title: Olivia Dances
Susan Bruce
Title: Textures of the Park
Bernadette Woodward
Title: Hometown
Marley Boyce
Title: Flora Bird - Category in: Young Artist (u25)
Nicole Ayliffe
Title: 'Optical Landscape' Forest
Jean Kent
Title: Ghost in the Gumleaves
Peter Walker
Title: Twigonometry - Winner of: Judges Commendation
Christy Butt
Title: Parks are Magical
Gail Kellett
Title: Swamphen in Reeds
Andrew Stattmann
Title: Reflections on Riding the Linear Park
Joseph Ninio
Title: Park Lands Gum Leaf Typology - Category in: Young Artist (u25)
Loene Furler
Title: Walking the dog - Horse Paddocks North Adelaide
Bernadette Freeman
Title: The River Torrens, St Peters
Jane Skeer
Title: Compressed I (set of 2)
Neville Cichon
Title: Torrens Flow
Max Ryszawa
Title: Hansha 反射 - Category in: Young Artist (u25)
Jason Cordero
Title: The Conversant Grove
Rebecca Achkar
Title: The Passing of Time and Seasons, Horse in Lafevre Park
Louise Vadasz
Title: Botanic
Mike Barr
Title: Sun Spot - Victoria Park
Laura Wills
Title: Liquid Gold Harvest - Winner of: Judges Commendation
E18122 - 2018 - Finalist - Austin Lovell - Concrete Green - Movie
Madeline Prowd
Title: Eucalyptus Trio - Winner of: Judges Commendation
Eileen Lubiana
Title: The Battle for Light's Vision
Graham Davis
Title: Adam Encounters The Fingers of Light - Winner of: Judges Commendation
Mark Warren
Title: Elder Park
Penny MacLaren
Title: Galloping Through the Olives. Adelaide International Three Day Event
Taya Stocks
Title: Purple Swamphen, Parkland's Royalty - Winner of: Judges Commendation - Category in: Young Artist (u25)
Sally Heinrich
Title: 50 Adelaide Birds
Barry Magazinovic
Title: The Park 'Lands' - Immersive Park Portal Pods - Winner of: Royal Adelaide Show People’s Choice Prize
Tom Keukenmeester
Title: Dried Natives
Dudu Huang
Title: Rhapsody
Glenda Kent
Title: Murder of Crows no 2
Darcy Lewis
Title: A Rise in Adelaide's Eastern Suburbs - Winner of: APPA Young Artists (u25) - Category in: Young Artist (u25)
Kellie Hummel
Title: My Adelaide Yours
Thomas Bromley
Title: Dad Running at the Torrens
Cristina Metelli
Title: Dormancy: Seeds for Safe Keeping
Ed Condon
Title: Man With Smoking Eyes
E18178 - 2018 - Finalist - Christine McCarthy - Saturday in the park I
Christine McCarthy
Title: Saturday in the park II
Sum Woon Chow
Title: Parklands, Busway Tunnel, Traffic Intersection and other Sacred Infrastructures
Ellen Trevorrow
Title: Ngori (Pelican) - Winner of: Judges Commendation - Additional Artist: Bruce and Jelina Haines
Patrick Ferguson
Title: Red Gum Coolamon with Handle